how to use our website or system easy,first choose the service that you need us to help book for,you can do that by scrolling down to application form,click apply here on the service that you need us to book for you,once you have clicked the button
an application form will open fill up the form
second step is payment
on the homepage under services choose the same service you choose on the first step or application form.
click on the image next to the services you choose,a new page will appear click on the button that says add to cart,then a new button above that say viewcart will appear,click on viewcart button .then please check the price if it is correct and the quantity should be 1 if it is 2 or more please change it to 1 the click a button that say update cart,then click button that say proceed to checkout,fill-up a form for payfast payment,then click on button that says place order,a payfast page will open then you will choose your prefered method of payment credit,debt,cheque card or instant eft by payfast.once your transaction have succeeded you will receive an email from payfast and we will receive our email from payfast as proof of your payment.
then we will book on your behalf.